Poster Contest

Posters are created by children 1st - 8th grade. All posters are used on the Day of Caring to decorate the entrance way of the “Thank You Celebration/Campaign Kick Off” event.

The first three place posters are framed and presented to various companies during the campaign. Remaining posters are also used during campaign for various awards, copied and used on awards or any other print materials during the year. You may even see one or two of them pop up on the cover of the annual report, next year’s brochure, and more! All entries will be used to support the IMPACT United Way has on our community.


If you would like more information on entering next year’s Poster Contest or being a sponsor for the next year’s Poster Contest, please call Zena Myall at United Way, 253-2264 or email Zena Myall.

View the 2006 Poster Contest winners.
View the 2005 Poster Contest winners.