Grant Application

For the 2008/2010 Allocation Process, agencies requesting funding for the City of Williamsburg, James City County and United Way of Greater Williamsburg partner Agencies are to use the Grant Application to request funding for their programs.  Individual applications are required for each Agency program. 


Applications are due by 5pm, January 11th for the upcoming 2008/2010 funding cycle.  The Grant Application provides instructions on how to complete and submit the form.  The City of Williamsburg, James City County and UWGW are trying to reduce paperwork in the Allocation Process so only email submissions from the identified “Authorized Official” are allowed.  Also note that late submissions, or revisions to submissions after submittal, are not allowed.


To download the form, just click on Grant Application Form in the Quick Links section above and select “save to file”.  This will save the file to your computer.  After opening the file save it to a new filename using the convention given in the Application Instructions found on page 3 of the form.  The Budget pages are now an Excel spreadsheet, this is form 2 in the Quick Links.



For Agencies with more than one program, it is recommended that you first complete the form for one program then save the file to another filename to complete for another program.  This will save time by not having to re-enter information common to your programs (e.g. Agency information).


** Please note that the Budget Form has the columns pre-formulated to calculate the additions and the increase/decrease percentages so those columns look a little odd - they will calculate as you add figures.  Thank you.