How Is Your Money Invested
the United Way?

United Way Invests Your Contributions to Make the Most IMPACT!

Since the founding of United Way of Greater Williamsburg in 1949, over 26 million dollars have been raised to help thousands of people in your community. The 15% spent for fundraising and administration, during Fiscal Year 2004*, is less than half the amount recommended by the National Charity Bureau.  United Way strives to maintain the lowest overhead possible. Your contributions have a major impact on the overall quality of our community.

*In July 2004, United Way of America issued revised standards for computing and reporting overhead. These standards require that designated contributions be exluded from the calculation. This will result in an overhead rate greater than 15% for 2004. An independent auditor's report applying the revised guidelines will be available in the summer of 2005.  Prior to issuing their report, we will request that our auditors include both rates and an explanation of the difference.

Your Contribution Helps Improve the Overall Quality of Our Community

You do more through the United Way than could ever be done alone. You produce results every day in every part of your community. Here are a few examples of the results you and United Way are accomplishing in your community

Making sure that families . . . .

* Reject Drugs
* Secure their basic needs
* Improve their emotional health
* Improve parenting, nurturing, discipline and conflicts resolution skills
* Are more involved in each other's lives

Making sure that the elderly, ill and disabled . . .
* Are more independent and have a better quality of life
* Have a caring and dignified experience dealing with ill health and/or death

Making sure that all people . . .

* Will get, keep and grow in jobs
* Will be responsible, productive citizens
* Take responsibility for their own future

When you make a contribution to the United Way, you can be sure your undesignated dollars are going where help is needed most:

Your pledge of $1 a week - Provides a stalking documentation kit for a domestic or sexual violence victim

Your pledge of $3 a week - Provides transportation for a group of 20 self advocates involved in a community service project
(ARC of Greater Williamsburg)

Your pledge of $5 a week - Provides training for 10 providers in infant/child CPR
(Child Caring Connection)

Your pledge of $7 a week - Pays for 52 meals
(Meals on Wheels)

Your pledge of $9 a week - Pays for plumbing repairs for low income home owners
(Housing Partnerships)

Your pledge of $10 a week - Provides three months of foster care for an adoptive baby
(Catholic Charities)

Your pledge of $20 a week - Provides one full year of positive role modeling and opportunities for building leadership for a troop of 10 girls "at risk"
(Girl Scout Counsel of Colonial Coast)

United Way invests your gifts in five Community Solution Areas to help the people of your community:

Improving Health and Wellness

2005 Allocated Funds - $236,184

* Blood Services * Health and Safety * Adapted Wellness * Outpatient Treatment

* Mental Health Counseling * Home Repair * Emergency Transportation * Meal Delivery

Building Self-Sufficiency

2005 Allocated Funds - $213,815

* Quality of Life * Self Advocacy * Residential Services * Credit & Housing Counseling

* Information & Referral (USO) * Family Life Program * Adult Skills * Transitional Housing

Caring for People in Crisis

2005 Allocated Funds - $156,997

* Armed Forces Emergency Program * Disaster Services * Birth Parent Counseling

* Palliative Care * Family Outreach * Social Services Program

Investing in Children and Youth

2005 Allocated Funds - $431,808

* Youth SA Prevention * Community Based Program * School Based Program

* Child Welfare * Child Care Resource & Referral * Scouting - Boy Scouts

* Child Care Training & Support * Child Care Subsidy * Infant/Parent Program

* First Steps Child Care * Adoptive Services * Girl Scout Outreach * Child Development Center

Promoting Senior Independence

2005 Allocated Funds - $54,520

* Older Adult Program * Medical Transport * Adult Daycare * Transportation/Home Service

* Transportation Program

Please, make your pledge today!

CLICK HERE for a printable Pledge Form